Rhys Roams

Wandering, exploring, discovering...

Splashing in St Peter’s Pool

I came across this place when I was researching things to do in Malta. It looked amazing on Google images and the reviews assured me it was as pristine as it appeared in the photos – and wasn’t overrun with tourists (or locals, for that matter). Having had a bit of a taste of the roads in Malta – on our way from the airport to the hotel – we already had a bit of an idea of what we were up against. So we hopped in the car and started out on our mission.  Driving in Malta can be pretty hairy at the best of times so we mustered as much courage as possible and headed off towards Marsaxlokk.

After visiting the town we hopped back in the car and set out for St Peter’s pool.  I have to admit, it wasn’t super easy to find. I think we got lost three or four times before finding the right road. It’s to the east of Marsaxlokk, behind a big power plant. Even when you’re just about there you’re sure you’re in the wrong spot, and half expecting official looking people to run out of the power plant and harass you for trespassing or something.

We continued down the little rocky road and before we knew it – we’d arrived.  There’s a car park perched perilously on the cliff and after a very short walk down, you’re there.

st peter's pool malta rhysroams rhyssain rhys sain

The place is pretty amazing. It wasn’t super busy – maybe a dozen or so people there.  We got changed and took the plunge – jumping into the fresh turquoise water.  We fooled around about an hour, swimming and sunbaking before heading back up to the car.

st peter's pool malta rhysroams rhyssain rhys sain

You could definitely spend the entire day here if you brought provisions (there’s nothing anywhere near , if you haven’t). We were on a mission to explore as much of Malta in our relatively limited amount of time and so we hopped back in the and continued on our merry way towards the Blue Grottos.

st peter's pool malta rhysroams rhyssain rhys sain


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