Despite being wrecked from the night of travel – we decided to investigate doing a boat trip on the Red Sea.
In the end we organised it through the hotel. It cost 30JOD or $45 dollars and included snorkelling gear and lunch.

Right on 1100 the tender boat turned up at the resort to take us out to the boat and we were off shortly after. It was a big pirate-ship-esque gullet. There were only about ten people on board, and a handful of staff, so there was plenty of space.

The trip lasted about six hours and included three snorkel stops.

There was heaps of coral and the visibility was great, but the highlight of the trip, at least for me, was when we got to explore a sunken tank and fighter jet.

The other great part about the trip is being out of the sea, cruising so close to Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia – the arid red mountains and the blue water make for some great photo opportunities.

Lunch was great – all your standard Middle Eastern staples – plenty of fish and chicken, rice and salad. Drinks were extra but weren’t too expensive.

Around 1700, after our three snorkel stops, it was time to head home.